GCSA2020 First Keynote Speaker

#GCSA2020 Excited to announce our Keynote Speaker Birgitta Dresp Langley from Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), France during September 28-30, 2020 at Paris, France. Submit your abstract now to be a part of #SurgeryConference2020


Keynote Speaker

Honorable Keynote Speaker Dr. Kuriakose Joshi George from Salford Royal NHS Foundation Trust, UK sharing his knowledge and remarkable speech on Advances in Neurosurgery at “Global Conference on Surgery and Anesthesia” in Dubai,UAE on October 21-23,2019.

Don’t miss the opportunity!!

To Know more about our scientific committee members P.S https://surgery-conferences.magnusgroup.org/scientific-committee/
